
Akansh’s journey from internship to working full time @Wingify!

August 12, 2016

“Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain and difficulty”- This quote from Theodore Roosevelt correlates with my success in getting the internship at Wingify.   

First meet with Wingify

I never knew that attending a single conference at Wingify will inspire me to work for this company. Maybe it’s the first sight that added so much positivity about the place. It was not my first meet, and I even don’t remember the name of the conference. However, from that day, I started following the company and somehow tried my best to visit the office again. I applied for an internship opportunity in the third year of college but got rejected after the telephonic interview. Though I was disappointed, but I tried to work on my weak points; and finally, I got a chance once again during the fourth year.

Fortunately, I was selected as an intern. I managed both college and internship simultaneously, as two months of college were yet to be completed. Thanks to the engineering Lead, Ankit Jain, and my mentor, Himanshu Kapoor, who allowed me to work from home whenever I had practicals or exams.

Moving from Windows to Linux

Yes, I never realised why people switch to Linux when Windows has all the functionalities and Ubuntu lacks rich graphics. I realised the importance of Linux when I started using industry-level tools. The hunt started for finding the right Linux distros and finally, I landed on Elementary OS – It’s better than Ubuntu graphics – wise, although its performance and packages are similar to Ubuntu. I realised that Git, Grunt and Bower commands work pretty well in Linux than in Windows.

Choosing a project

I was given a list of available projects, and my mentor shared the whereabouts of proceeding with each project. I started my work on the support system for the VWO application, as currently, this is done only over emails. Although we use a third-party service, but it will be much easier for customers to access the support system within the application instead of using a mail service.

We finalised the MEAN stack for this module and used a third-party API. There is a limitation of API calls, so we also added a cache mechanism in the application by storing the already accessed data in MongoDB. After various meetings with the support team, reporting manager, company’s CTO and mentor, we have finally developed the application and soon it will be passed on to the testing team.

Experience of a project

The stack was new to me, and I never worked on NodeJS before, but the 3.5 months actually made me realise that MEAN stack is much smoother and efficient stack. Everybody in the company supported and appreciated the work. Whenever I was stuck in achieving a functionality, I always received guidance from my mentor. I became more familiar with industry-level automation tools like Grunt and Bower and learnt to work collaboratively, using GitHub. The internship stint went really well, lot of learning definitely, smiling faces and you will always find helping hands for any problem.

Food and Parties at Wingify

Working at Wingify is also amazing because of the food and perennially available stacks of snacks and drinks. The quality of lunch that Wingify provides is many times better than what I used to have at my hostel mess. In addition, pizza parties, lavish parties in restaurants, etc. are pretty common in Wingify.  

Summing up experience

At Wingify, everyone wholeheartedly contributes to the growth of the company. It is a pleasure to work with great minds with loads of knowledge. The focus is on achieving the common end objective through mutual support while maintaining a congenial environment. I’m looking forward to an extended stint here while contributing to organizational and my growth.

That’s my experience summed up in pictures !


  • Reply
    Ganea nicolae ionut
    August 31, 2016 at 11:02 am

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  • Reply
    Ganea nicolae ionut
    August 31, 2016 at 11:02 am

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  • Reply
    Ganea nicolae ionut
    August 31, 2016 at 11:02 am

    Manager it gratis

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