
Wingify Pune caught in classic holi romps

March 23, 2016

Holi is unbearably close and we can’t be immune to this festival that celebrates fun and play in all beautiful forms. 

On Tuesday, 22nd March, Wingify Pune gave in to all the classic holi romps and frolic. Rahul, our go-to guy for all the fun things organised a wide ground for us to go all out and go all out we did. 

Games played: Tug of war & Musical chairs 

Childishness level: Over 9000

Fun and laughter: Over the moon

Here are the pictures.

Humans of tug
Musical chairs for the 20+ year olds 🙂

And some more lovely pictures 

Holi hai!

  • Reply
    June 17, 2016 at 11:40 am

    Eager to join wingify

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