Just before my summer break this year and the university placements just after the vacations, I was in a dilemma whether to rest and prepare for the placements or to follow my heart to enhance my knowledge and intern as a data scientist. I finally decided to apply to a couple of organisations whose work inspires me. I applied for the internship at Wingify in the second week of May having minimal hope that I will be given the opportunity as I was already very late to apply. I received a call from Wingify, was interviewed within two weeks and got an opportunity that I will always cherish. The summer of 2017 (before I became a senior and officially had to adult), I decided to make the most of by eating loads of delicious stuff, interacting with really awesome people, chilling out in some really cool places and of course pushing gorgeous code. Let me tell you the secret to doing all this while interning. It’s simple really?—?become an intern at Wingify!
Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life -Confucius
Well it’s more than that. I believe that work environment plays a very important role in the quality of work and also the job satisfaction. When I first heard about Wingify and decided to apply for a Summer Internship I had no idea how immensely it was going to change my perception of the kind of environment I would like to work in.

Since the moment I stepped foot into the office, everyone treated me like we were going to be friends. I had complete freedom to go and bother I mean talk to anyone. I would like to thank Neha and Jagadeesh for taking care that I got proper accommodation and everything that I might require once I reached Pune as I reached on a short notice (received the confirmation on Friday and joined on Monday)
P.S.- Thanks Wingify for providing the accommodation for the first couple of days.
There were quite a few things outside work @Wingify that really inspired me. I remember how one thing led to another and soon I found myself watching a match with the team placing a bet on the outcome of the India-Pakistan match with the head of the sales team of the product I was working on (and winning btw!). It’s inspiring how a team performing so well and still being so casual and professional at the same time. Respect to each and everyone in the team. The kind of freedom and liberal office work culture where everyone is ready to pitch in and help out blew my mind. Another thing that I will always remember was how someone used to regularly give some time in the evening(and then work till late) to teach a person who was a part of housekeeping and had a desire to learn alphabets. Inspiring! The desire to learn was extremely inspiring. Thank you!

In the spirit of summer, somebody take my diving because I’ve got the buddy system down pat while interning with my college buddy Adithya. We complemented each other and picked up the slack where needed.
My mentor was amazeballs in awesomesauce. He had this extraordinary ability of clearly defining our humongous task and what exactly we were expected to do while putting 0 Pascal pressure. While some of my friends were completing their internships as office adornments I was thrown right into the fray. My mentor not only discussed and guided us on our journey but also allowed us to take control. He gave us a sense of ownership by giving us the freedom to work on it as if it were our own product. (Told ya he was amazing!) And if that didn’t convince you that he had some sort of magic up his sleeve there’s more. He made sure we didn’t just work to meet deadlines but ensured we were learning and growing every step of the way. He encouraged us to do your thinking caps and explore new avenues while providing us with his inputs. He introduced us to code productionisation, coding conventions and best practices. If that’s not fab mentorship then I don’t know what is. I would like to thank him for the sense of ownership that he provided us with. It’s something I value a lot that the mentor trust you with the work he has assigned and it was this feeling that pushed me more to give my best. It was my mentor’s belief on us that made me happily work alone in the office till as late as 4 in the morning and then be back to work at 11 (I used to be 10–15 mins late a lot of times 😐 ) the next morning. This internship made me realise what work satisfaction really is and why so many people speak so much about it. I loved what I was doing and wished to do whatever I possibly can during my short stay at Wingify for a month. I was coming from the most hectic semester but this work satisfaction and the happiness ensured that I wasn’t tired.
By the end of my internship I had ticked a lot of stuff off my list that wasn’t even there in the first place.

Satiated palette?—?check.
Be a part of something big?—?added and checked.
Learn some cool stuff?—?check.
Hardcore coding?—?check.
Work under a unicorn (he’s so good he might as well be a figment of my imagination) mentor?—?added and checked.
Sprained my legs after an accident and returned to work added and checked (It made me feel that the sense of responsibility is coming with time)
And so so much more…
So if you’re looking for an Uber cool summer vacation to amp up your CV and have loads of fun you might just find it bundled up in a lovely little place called Wingify. I can’t wait to go back and brainstorm with some of the brightest minds in the country.
P.S?—?Please apply if you are really passionate to work here. I was told by everyone to not even apply since it was too late and Wingify will never accept it. I request you all to follow what you want and go for it. Apply!
P.S.?—?After exploring a bit, I conclude NID is better than IDC! 😛
P.P.S: If you are reading this and want to apply to Wingify for an internship, drop an email to [email protected]
P.P.P.S: All GIFS belong to the mighty Rick and Morty!
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